How to Provide Effective Employee Feedback

Employees that feel their superiors treat them with respect have a 63% higher job satisfaction level. The more satisfied your workers are at their job, the more they’re engaged. 

Happy, focused employees are more productive, and that’s better for your business. 

Giving constructive employee feedback is one of the best ways to show that you care and recognize their work, but also that you know how to address issues. It’s an excellent way to teach your team. Here are a few ideas on how to give feedback to employees. 

Stay Consistent

It’s a fine line between constructive feedback that helps your employees and unsolicited advice. It’s important to know when you’re nitpicking rather than correcting an issue. 

Your employees should expect regular assessments of their work, and those assessments should be delivered on a consistent basis. Make sure they know when to expect reviews and what the process entails, so they’re prepared and don’t feel as anxious about it. 

Don’t wait for that quarterly review. Casual assessments can be less stressful than an annual performance review and can keep employees on track. 

Keep an open mind and allow for two-way conversations. Doing so can make your employee feel like their voice matters. 

Avoid Sugarcoating

When you evaluate employee performance, you may want to “sandwich” corrective feedback between positive statements to soften the blow. The problem with this method is that it can reduce the effectiveness of your feedback. It can also feel forced or awkward. 

Sugarcoating can even confuse your employees, and they might miss the message entirely. 

The key to effective business communication is to be transparent and clear when you address an issue. Don’t sweep the problems under the rug because it might create an awkward situation or because you want to avoid conflict. Be upfront and stick to the facts, but allow them to give their side of the story as well. 

Here are some employee feedback examples that avoid sugarcoating. 

“I noticed that you’ve been coming into the office late every day this week. I’m concerned that this will impact your performance. What’s going on?” 

“You’ve been struggling to meet your deadlines lately. I’d like to make sure you’re not overextending yourself so you can complete your responsibilities. Some time management techniques might help.” 

Knowing what to say and how to address these issues can be one of the most difficult tasks you have to face. Thankfully, the right leadership training can help. 

Never Criticize in Public

If you need to speak with your employees regarding an issue, never do so in public. Don’t stop at their desk and address a problem where other team members can hear. This is embarrassing and disrespectful and can make your employees dissatisfied with their job and you as a leader. 

Instead, ask to speak with them in private. Bring them to your office, pull them aside for a moment, or send an email to ask for a meeting. 

The Right Way to Deliver Employee Feedback

These tips should put you on the right track toward delivering constructive employee feedback. The key is to be clear, empathetic, specific, and to address both positive performance and issues that need correcting. 

If you want to become a leader your employees look up to, a leadership coach can help. Learn more about our executive coaching and how growing as a leader will benefit your company.