Three Questions Leaders Need to Ask Themselves

Leadership is a conscious act and a continuous journey of growth and development. As conscious leaders we need to be introspective, and question our practice daily.

1.   If this (what I believe about something) is not true, what else could be true?

Some of our beliefs and assumptions are dusty, rusty or past the expiry date. Some beliefs and assumptions may have outlived their usefulness. Having been in our heads and hearts for so long, we don’t even think about them anymore, however, they quietly influence our worldview and actions.

Testing our beliefs and assumptions daily will help us be more empathetic, make stronger decisions, and become wiser and more insightful every day.

2.   Is this meeting REALLY necessary?

This is truly one of my favourite questions. As an executive we may feel flattered and very much in demand being invited to so many meetings. However, for every meeting we should always ask, what is the purpose of the meeting? What value would you like to bring to the meeting? And it is also wise to check if the meeting should really be an hour long. According to Parkinson’s law – work expands or contracts to the time allotted for it.

3.   Am I the person that should be doing this?

Being the boss doesn’t mean that we are the best person to do the job. As Steve Jobs said – hire people smarter than you and get out of their way. Delegating is an investment in your team, allows specialists attention to tasks, and could be an important developmental stepping stone for someone else. Delegation also frees up time and will reduce overwhelm.