Question #2 – How do we behave?

Question 2 – How do we behave?

As we continue our series on Patrick Lencioni’s 6 Critical Questions for Clarity, today we look at How do we behave?

Essentially this is a values based discussion; an organization’s values are intended to drive the behaviour of its employees or members.  By calling out values through behaviour, Lencioni is emphasising the critical requirement of living the values, not just talking to them. 

As a leader it is your job to clarify and live the organization’s values – by doing so you are shaping your organization’s culture. 

What specific actions should you take as a leader?

  1. Define values that guide your organization towards its Why, and are second nature to you. 
    1. As the leader you shouldn’t need to think about them. 
    1. Don’t make too long a list or they will never be second nature to others.
  • Live the values
    • This should be easy if you follow #1. 
    • Here is one place where lead by example is the most impactful.  Leaders are always on call – every action, behaviour and statement has meaning to others.
  • Communicate the Values
    • Continually describe the values and how they define your organization.
    • Display, tell stories, celebrate.
  • Hire to the values
    • Set the bar high, and hire to it.
  • Hold people accountable to the values
    • If someone can’t live up to the organization’s values, let them go – everyone will be better off.

Wouldn’t it be exceptional if everyone in your organization understood and behaved according to the values the way you do?